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  • BACGG Webinar: "West Against East - Chinese Medicine"

BACGG Webinar: "West Against East - Chinese Medicine"

  • November 17, 2021
  • 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Online (via Zoom)

2:45 pm PT - Waiting Room

While waiting in the herbalist’s reception room, you will be entertained by early pioneer Chinese doctors in America, herb stores of old, acupuncture and more.  Also, you will be treated to a narrated tour of Dr. Fong Wan’s unique herb office that was unlike any other.

3:00 pm PT - Official Presentation

The history of Western medical establishment’s suspicions and resistance against traditional Chinese medicine in California is an obscure part of Chinese American history. This presentation by the Bay Area Chinese Genealogy Group (BACGG) is about the challenges faced by Fong Wan, an immigrant Chinese who simply wanted to provide an alternative for non-invasive healing. Fong Wan and other Chinese doctors faced the following formidable challenges:

  • On-going, anti-Chinese sentiments
  • Persistent Western medical efforts to eliminate alternative medical practices
  • California State efforts to abolish Chinese herbal doctors from practicing
  • Relentless accusations by the State and Federal governments of false advertisements by Chinese doctors

Despite hurdles, Fong Wan overcame barriers and became a well-known and successful herbalist in Oakland, CA. Learn how Fong Wan was a key player in defeating the “Anti Herb” bill before the state Legislature in 1925, gradually paving acceptance of alternative medicine by Western health care professionals and the public. This presentation will be followed by a Q&A session, where Calvin Fong (son of Fong Wan) and Dr. Byron Fong (licensed acupuncturist) will discuss the current state of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the U.S.

DISCLAIMER: The presentation and Q&A session do not provide medical advice and are for educational and informational purposes only. Please consult your own medical professionals for your personal health needs.

Click link to register: Bay Area Chinese Genealogy Group – Chinese Medicine

Museum Address:

History Park
635 Phelan Avenue
San Jose, CA 95112

In Ng Shing Gung Building

Mailing Address:

PO Box 5366
San Jose, CA 95150-5366

Email: info@chcp.org

Chinese Historical & Cultural Project

CHCP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to providing an environment that is free from discrimination due to race, color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, disability, gender, sexual orientation, or age.

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