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Chinese American World War II (WWII) Veterans Project

Film Flyer (Click to Enlarge)CBI Banners displayed for 2024 Spirit of '45 (Click to Enlarge)

Starting in 2017, Student Docent Cultural Ambassador Program (SDCAP) students participated in the Chinese American WWII Veterans of the China-Burma-India (CBI) War Theatre film project. The project’s goal was to produce and distribute a film with accompanying teacher curriculum guide to all U.S. History teachers within Santa Clara County (the teacher guides were distributed and are still available for educators by contacting SDCAP Chair Brenda Wong at brenda.wong@chcp.org). An ongoing project is to produce pop-up vinyl banners that also tell the hidden story of CBI for exhibition at public locations, such as malls, libraries, schools, and businesses.

The resultant film, Our Story of War and Remembrance: Chinese American WWII Veterans of the China-Burma-India Theatre, is dedicated to the Chinese American World War II veterans of the China-Burma-India Theatre. Through oral interviews of surviving WWII veterans and their family members, the CHCP film project team of both SDCAP students and adults tells the stories of four Bay Area Chinese American WWII veterans of the Fourteenth Air Force, successor to the Flying Tigers, in a moving documentary of patriotism as they served to defend the America that had denied them rights under the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.

Interviewing WWII Veteran Harry LimInterviewing WWII Veteran Wing Lai Filming Interview of WWII Veteran Richard Wong

Interviewing WWII Veterans Harry Lim, Wing Lai, and Richard Wong

During World War II, about 20,000 Chinese Americans served in the United States Armed Forces as well as other aspects of the war effort across all theaters of conflict. According to the 1940 Census, this represented over a quarter of the 77,000 Chinese people living in the United States at the time. Just over 60% were U.S. native-born citizens. Those born in China were denied citizenship, while all Chinese Americans faced discrimination and challenges to property ownership, voting, and other rights. Despite these barriers based on discrimination and racism, many Chinese Americans answered the call to serve.

This film honors, celebrates, and preserves the legacy of the patriotism, sacrifice, valor, and contributions of Chinese American WWII veterans in winning the war in the Pacific. Post war, these veterans established organizations to improve social and economic relationships on the home front.

View a shortened version of the film, Our Story of War and Remembrance: Chinese American WWII Veterans of the China-Burma-India Theatre:

Donations for the production of the World War II project would be greatly appreciated: 

To make a tax-deductible donation to this cause, please designate “WWII Project” when donating on our Donation page. Thank you for your generosity and support.

Museum Address:

History Park
635 Phelan Avenue
San Jose, CA 95112

In Ng Shing Gung Building

Mailing Address:

PO Box 5366
San Jose, CA 95150-5366

Email: info@chcp.org

Chinese Historical & Cultural Project

CHCP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to providing an environment that is free from discrimination due to race, color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, disability, gender, sexual orientation, or age.

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