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  • January 05, 2024 3:46 PM | Elyse Wong (Administrator)

    CHCP shared Chinese winter solstice traditions and children's holiday crafts at the Chinese American Historical Museum (CAHM) for History Park's Children's Heritage Holiday event on December 16, 2023.

  • November 17, 2023 5:41 PM | Elyse Wong (Administrator)

    CHCP Members Doris and Chuck Chan visit the Paper Son Soldiers Exhibit WWII Veteran Richard Wong poses for a photoUSS Hornet

    Items from WWII Veterans Benson and Richard Wong WWII Veteran Richard Wong's Bugle Click to enlarge

    The Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation (AIISF) is the community sponsor for a new exhibit, "Paper Son Soldiers," that opened on Veterans Day, November 11, 2023. The exhibit tells the story of two brothers, Benson and Richard Wong, whose journey through Angel Island and enlistment in the US military demonstrate the commitment and sacrifice Chinese Immigrants made to America during WWII. 

    Learn more about "Paper Son Soldiers" on AIISF's Vault blog here.

    Richard Wong is one of the 4 Chinese American WWII Veterans featured in CHCP's documentary, "Our Story of War and Remembrance." View and listen to Richard Wong starting at time 2:20 in the short version of the documentary:

  • November 05, 2023 5:33 PM | Elyse Wong (Administrator)

    By Metrica Shi, 2023-2024 Student Docent Cultural Ambassador

    On Saturday, November 4th, Hoong the Dragon (led by CHCP Co-Treasurer Bill Shu as the Pearl with a team of 5 SDCAP volunteers) made an appearance at History San Jose's "San José Roots: Celebrating Our Heritage" event. SDCAP volunteers also helped out with the Dragon & Lion Coloring Activity and at the CHCP information booth, sharing cultural facts about dragons!

  • November 04, 2023 6:29 PM | Elyse Wong (Administrator)

    CHCP Volunteers

    Spider Slingshot Game Jumping Spider Game Bean Bag Toss

    By Metrica Shi, 2023-2024 Student Docent Cultural Ambassador

    On Saturday, October 28th, Student Docent Cultural Ambassador Program (SDCAP) students volunteered with CHCP Directors at History Park's annual Children's Halloween Haunt event. Volunteers shared fun facts about bats and spiders from Chinese culture for the Halloween theme and assisted with treats after visitors played three Halloween-themed games (Spider Slingshot, Jumping Spider, and Bean Bag Toss). SDCAP volunteers wrapped up their evening by watching the mesmerizing History Park Halloween Haunt Light Show!

  • October 20, 2023 6:41 PM | Elyse Wong (Administrator)

    An Orientation / Training class was held for CHCP's Student Docent Cultural Ambassador Program (SDCAP) at History Park San Jose. Visit our Volunteer page for information about this rewarding program for high school / college students and their parents.

  • October 12, 2023 5:14 PM | Elyse Wong (Administrator)

    Lisa Liddane walks past the “Sheltering Wing” sculpture by artist Roger Stoller in Heinlenville Park on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023, in San Jose, Calif. Community members held a ceremony to celebrate the opening of the new park which is named after John Heinlen, a German immigrant who rented to Chinese residents after the Chinatown neighborhood was burned in the late 1800s. (Aric Crabb/Bay Area News Group)

    The following is an excerpt from the 10/11/23 San Jose Mercury News:

    By Sal Pizarro, Bay Area News Group

    Heinlenville Park may be San Jose’s newest open urban space, but it comes with more than a century of history to its name, befitting its location in the city’s historic Japantown neighborhood. A few hundred people attended the grand opening ceremony Tuesday afternoon, which opened with a blessing and ended with a celebratory lion dance and a sake toast.

    “It’s not every day we get to open a new public space, certainly not one so beautiful. This park is exceptional,” said Mayor Matt Mahan, who called Japantown a “community that is passionate about celebrating, commemorating and living the culture of our Japanese community while also welcoming change and newcomers.”

    Visitors stroll through Heinlenville Park on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023, in San Jose, Calif. (Aric Crabb/Bay Area News Group) 

    After a suspected arson fire in 1887 destroyed the Chinatown on Market Street downtown, John Heinlen — a German immigrant farmer and businessman who owned property just north of downtown — answered an act of bigotry with one of acceptance. He provided inexpensive leases to the local Chinese community and endured condemnation from the city’s white community.

    The area became a hub of Chinese cultural activities in San Jose for the next five decades, centered around the ornate Ng Shing Gung temple (of which the Chinese Historical and Cultural Project built at History Park). The success of Heinlenville encouraged Japanese residents to settle in the area, and that gave birth to San Jose’s Japantown, which is now one of just three remaining in the United States.

    Historian Connie Young Yu, right, was among the visitors looking over interpretive signage in Heinlenville Park on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023, in San Jose, Calif. (Aric Crabb/Bay Area News Group) 

    Historian Connie Young Yu said Heinlenville ended after 44 years largely because of the Chinese Exclusion Act, and the area became the city’s corporation yard for many decades with Japantown next to it. She heard stories of Heinlen’s generosity from her grandfather, who fled the Market Street fire, and her father, who was born in Heinlenville.

    “You will not read about the legacy of John Heinlen in history, but you will experience it here,” she said. “This park embodies a story San Jose should be proud of, one that should inspire us all and generations to come.”

    Shea Properties built the park to complement its Sixth and Jackson apartments and plans to grant it to the city. Features within the park reflect its history, too.

    “Sheltering Wing,” a 19-foot-tall metal sculpture created by Stoller Studios in San Jose, tells the story of the evolving and inclusive community through images of “Asian positivity” in the metal-lace artwork representing bamboo, peaches, koi, origami cranes, butterflies and chrysanthemums, among others. There’s an interpretive sign exploring the history of the area and a paved “history path” that recounts the Chinese American experience. Japantown sculptor Ken Matsumoto created the stonework in the north garden, part of the landscape designed by Jason Victor.

    Notably, the park is mostly hardscape with raised gardens and trees, along with tables with built-in checkers/chessboards and a children’s play space. But there’s no grass, and that’s intentional because the community asked for space that could accommodate events like flea markets and public gatherings for the multicultural area, which includes the Filipino Community Center right across the street.

    “This park is a testament to the collective efforts of so many people,” said Sean McEachern of Shea Properties. “Everyone on the team knew the importance of what we needed to deliver.”

  • October 12, 2023 3:00 PM | Elyse Wong (Administrator)

    Japanese Shinto Ceremony Ribbon Cutting SJ Mayor Matt Mahan

    Erwin Wong, Gerrye and Calvin Wong Sheltering Wing Sculpture Connie Young Yu and Rodney Lum

    Hoong the DragonSJSU Lion Dance Team and Hoong the Dragon

  • October 08, 2023 6:32 PM | Elyse Wong (Administrator)

    Spin for a Prize Greeting and Distributing Name Tags Some of the Great Prizes

    CHCP Dragon and Lion Dance Team EnrollmentLillian Gong-Gong Memorial ScholarshipCHCP Publication: Chinese in San Jose and Santa Clara Valley

    Chinese American WWII Veterans ProjectStudent Docent Cultural Ambassador Program Meet & Greet Musical Entertainment

    Delicious RefreshmentsMeet & Greet Singalong Friends and Colleagues at the Meet & Greet

    CHCP introduced its new Dragon at the Mid-Autumn Meet & Greet:

  • October 05, 2023 4:54 PM | Elyse Wong (Administrator)

    OCA SM Award/Certificate Recipients CHCP Members at the Gala

    The following are excerpts from 10/05/23 DingDingTV:

    By Gerrye Wong, CHCP Co-Founder and Trustee

    I must share a very gratifying experience I just had being honored along with two extraordinary other women as we were named “Individuals Who Inspire” by the San Mateo Organization of Chinese Americans (SM OCA) group last week at the Grand Palace Restaurant in South San Francisco. At its first gala dinner since the pandemic, over 200 members and friends came out to support the club’s 50th Anniversary celebration. Linda Ng, National President of OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates organization, and Aimee Yan, SM OCA president, told that OCA was established in 1973 during the Civil Rights movement as a nonprofit advocacy organization dedicated to advancing the social, political, and economic well-being of Chinese Americans. There are over 50 chapters in cities and universities across the nation supported by the National OCA office in Washington DC.

    Longtime news reporter David Louie, as MC, introduced me recalling my work as a columnist covering Asian American news in the South Bay as well as authoring two books: “Eternal Spring,” about new immigrants being served by Self Help for the Elderly services, and “Chinese in San Jose and the Santa Clara Valley." In my acceptance speech, I noted key elements during my career as a nonpaid retiree volunteer co-founding the Chinese Historical and Cultural Project which built and gave to the city its Chinese American Historical Museum in 1991 and partnering with Councilman Raul Peralez and Connie Young Yu in 2021 to encourage the City of San Jose to adopt a Resolution of Apology to the Chinese community for its past wrongdoings and actions towards Chinese as far back as the 1800s. I was proud to recall that San Jose became the second city to officially write this resolution of apology, soon followed by other major cities: San Francisco, Los Angeles, and others.

  • September 21, 2023 4:21 PM | Elyse Wong (Administrator)

    SF Mayor London Breed with Honorees Outstanding Community Service Award presented to Gerrye Wong Cynthia Yee, Gerrye Wong, and Gum Moon Director Mina Li

    The following are excerpts from 09/20/23 DingDingTV:

    By Gerrye Wong, CHCP Co-Founder and Trustee

    Although  there were at least 24 steep stairs to climb to the second floor of the Far East Restaurant in San Francisco’s Chinatown, that didn’t deter over 300 people from coming to congratulate the Gum Moon/Asian Women’s Resource Center (AWRC) at its annual benefit fundraising luncheon on September 16.  As Director Gloria Tan told the audience, “Gum Moon Women’s Residence was founded in 1868 to rescue Chinese girls who had been sold into slavery and prostitution. To meet other evolving needs of its Chinatown target population, Gum Moon directed its attention to the care and education of abandoned Chinese girls and babies in the late 1800s. In 1984 Gum Moon’s leaders reached out to a wider segment of the community in its provision of social and educational services. By the late 1990s Gum Moon began offering transitional housing to women in need.”

    Board President Selina Soo Lim added, “Today Gum Moon/Asian Women’s Resource Center offers educational programs and services which include affordable housing for low income women, transitional housing and programming for women survivors of abuse, parent-child interactive groups, after school programming, and many other services including information and referral support. In essence Gum Moon/AWRC and the Asian Family Support Centers serve more than 5500 women, children and their families each year.”

    This year’s theme was WOMEN MAKING A DIFFERENCE and unabashedly I am proud to have been chosen as one of the honored women for my work volunteering for half a dozen non-profit organizations, by serving on their Boards, and as the co-founding member of the Chi Am Circle, a 55-year-old Asian American women’s club, and also co-founding the Chinese Historical and Cultural Project, which had as their goal project to build a Museum of Chinese American History in Santa Clara Valley. Thank you Board member Mina Li for presenting a beautiful crystal desk plaque for this honor and a lovely bouquet of flowers.

    Proof that Gum Moon has established itself through its long history as a very important part of the Chinese community in San Francisco was the fact that San Francisco Mayor London Breed made an appearance to personally present each honoree with a certificate from her office.  Likewise District Attorney Brooke Jenkins congratulated the three honorees with a certificate from her office.  City Attorney David Chiu presented proclamations from the city to the honorees and all  expressed admiration for the work that Gum Moon does for needy women and children and as always, pledged to continue working to make San Francisco the safe city it once was.

Museum Address:

History Park
635 Phelan Avenue
San Jose, CA 95112

In Ng Shing Gung Building

Mailing Address:

PO Box 5366
San Jose, CA 95150-5366

Email: info@chcp.org

Chinese Historical & Cultural Project

CHCP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to providing an environment that is free from discrimination due to race, color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, disability, gender, sexual orientation, or age.

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