CHCP’s Outreach events and programs increase community awareness, learning, and experiences with Chinese and Chinese American culture and history. Events include: traditional Lunar New Year, Ching Ming, and AAPI Heritage celebrations; Spirit of ‘45 and Women’s History Chinese American recognition days; American family holiday events; and San Jose Roots and Mosaic multicultural festivals. CHCP also hosts speaker presentations and field trips for its members and the general public. In addition, CHCP's Student Docent Cultural Ambassador Program (SDCAP) and Student Internship Program host events to encourage student involvement and to engage them in learning and advancing Chinese and Chinese American history and culture.
Below is a list of the annual events that CHCP participates in or hosts. Click on each photo to view a past sample of the event.
For a current list of CHCP's upcoming events, visit our Home page.
History Park Women's Heritage Day
HSJ/CHCP South Bay AAPI Festival
History Park Spirit of '45: Living History Day
CHCP Speaker Series
(ex. "Citizen Wong: Portraying the First Asian American Civil Rights Leader")
CHCP Field Trips
(ex. CHCP Veggielution Farm Tour)
HSJ Celebration: San José Roots